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Why summer is better than winter for servicing the furnace


Winter will be here before you know it. Get that heating system maintained now – before you need it.

Here we are in July and at six in the morning the temperature is 75 degrees. By early afternoon, it’s going to be in the mid 90s. And we’re talking about winter? Get outta here!

Well, okay. But we’re now into the second half of the year. The summer solstice – the longest day of the year – is already three weeks in the past. Sooner than you want to imagine, winter is going to be here. Take a look at the temperature charts for Elgin and St Charles and you’ll be reminded of what you already know – these mid 80 temperatures are our max. Twelve weeks from now, we’re going to be in the forties overnight – and the trend will continue down for a while after that.

No-one can change the weather. But everyone can be prepared.

The biggest cause of failure in domestic heating systems is lack of maintenance. That’s when most people call for help – when the furnace isn’t working, or it’s working but the heat isn’t getting through, or the heat is getting through but it’s patchy and there isn’t enough of it. People call, and we answer their call and we do our level best to get there as fast as we can. We don’t want to see our customers suffer. But sometimes – and especially if we get a sudden hard, cold snap – there’s a bit of a wait because the guy coming to fix your problem can’t leave till he’s fixed the problem he’s already working on.

The service will be as fast as we can make it – but it will never be faster than it will be if you call us right now, when demand is low. And, what’s more, you’ll go into those cold winter months knowing that your central heating system is as right as it can be.

You should in any case be asking a professional to check over your heating system once every twelve months, and it makes sense to do it now, when demand is not so great and, perhaps even more importantly, when discovering that the system has a problem which will involve decommissioning it for a while won’t cause discomfort. Better now than when you’d need to put on a ski jacket and warm gloves to eat breakfast!

Call us now. Peace of mind is only a phone call away.

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